Carbon fee and dividend


Stephen Fitzpatrick, founder of Ovo Energy, has launched a campaign called ZeroC, a campaign to shift the world to a zero carbon future, calling for a General Carbon Charge, one which would account for carbon pollution within the price of goods and return the money raised to citizens in the form of a “carbon dividend”…


Respond to the Government consultation on the best way to tax fossil fuels The Government is currently consulting on carbon pricing, in other words, the best way to price the burning of fossil fuels out of our economy. The more emails they receive by 11th July, the more likely they are to take notice What…


On 11 June 2019, UK PM Theresa May declared Net Zero greenhouse gas emissions would be achieved in the UK by 2050. What does this mean for the climate and climate change? Here’s a presentation given at our June monthly meeting by CCL UK steering group member, Louisa Davison. All the links to the press…


Why All Ways of Pricing Carbon Are Not The Same… Why do fossil fuels continue to provide most of our energy? The reason is simple. Fossil fuels are the cheapest energy. James Hansen, leading climate scientist and former director of NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies.


British Steel, an icon of the industrial heritage of the very nation that initiated the Industrial Revolution is on the brink of collapse. Its decline since the 1970s has been precipitous and it is now facing the closure of its last plant in Scunthorpe. Carbon taxes have been squarely blamed for driving up costs that…


Carbon taxes are a much discussed mechanism for using market mechanisms to incentivise a transition to a zero-carbon energy from fossil fuels, exploiting the innovation and flexibility that markets can provide. However, detractors cite potential economic harm to those on low and middle incomes as a reason to avoid such action. Many such detractors turn…

European Commissioners
24th May 2019

May news

Here’s all the stuff discussed at the last monthly online UK meeting (21 May 2019): Starting or nurturing a group A brief training session by Gina, Judy and Louisa. Click here for the guidance notes and lots of useful links (Word doc in Google drive). What’s the difference between carbon fee and dividend and the…


This week’s title is not a description of my dream-job.  It’s actually a way forward for all of us.  Too good to be true?   Stick with me and I’ll try to persuade you that I haven’t lost my marbles. I’ll start where I left-off in my previous column–carbon-taxes are an effective way to encourage millions…

Carbon fee and dividend illustration by Mini Grey
25th April 2019

CCL UK news round up

We had a very well-attended online meeting on Tuesday 23rd May 2019 and lots of things were shared and discussed. Next online meeting Tuesday May 21st 2019, 8pm, via Zoom – click this link just before the meeting begins – Topic: starting or reinvigorating a local group Summary (Anything you want to add to…