Tag: Committee on Climate Change


On 11 June 2019, UK PM Theresa May declared Net Zero greenhouse gas emissions would be achieved in the UK by 2050. What does this mean for the climate and climate change? Here’s a presentation given at our June monthly meeting by CCL UK steering group member, Louisa Davison. All the links to the press…


This week (27/28 Nov 2018) I attended two conferences in London: the New Zealand High Commission event on the Impact of Climate Change in the Pacific and the Conservative Environment Network (CEN) Net Zero conference. I was photographed with Michael Liebreich, one of the panel members on shipping at the CEN conference (above). A heartfelt video…


As the nation that kicked off the industrial revolution and started burning fossil fuels, we have a particular responsibility to lead the world in action to tackle the climate change brought about by the burning of those fossil fuels.